UC Softphone APP (Install and Sign In)

UC Softphone is a SIP soft client that extends the functionality beyond the land line or desktop. It brings features of the Hosted PBX platform directly to the user's mobile devices as a complete Unified Communications (UC) solution. With UC Softphone, users are able to maintain the same identity when making or receiving calls from any location, regardless of their device. They are also able seamlessly send an ongoing call from one device to another and continue that call without interruption. UC Softphone grants users the ability to manage contacts, voicemail, call history and configurations in a single location. This includes the management of answering rules. greetings, and presence which all contribute to more efficient communication.


How to install

This tutorial is android based. The process for Apple/iOS is the same for all intents and purposes. 

  • Navigate to your phones app store. 
  • Search for UC Softphone 

Google Play Store

Apple App Store

  • Click the install Icon
  • Open the app
  • Login with the credentials provided to you by Meridian Technical Services in the format:
    - Username = Extension@Domain e.g. 101@domian.com
    Password  = Your Current Portal Password

  • Click "Allow" and "OK" on the incoming prompts
  • Enjoy your new softphone!

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